Getting Started with reMARKS

To begin using reMARKS, visit the Download page and select and genre and paper size.

Key Features

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1) Capture the details of your book, including title, author, publisher, and the date range of your reading.

This section also includes a character or people list. Add names and any details you want to help you remember who’s who.

2) Add additional characters or people, settings or locations.

3) Include your own notes, questions, or even jot down your favorite quotes or passages.

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On the reverse side of the reMARKS page…

4) Give the book a star rating, and write your own review.

5) Note plot developments or any other facts you feel are relevant.

Remember, this is NOT a book report - use this section to record whatever you want to remember for your own understanding of the book.

6) The final section is called My Reading Journey. You’ll record the dates of your reading, how many pages or minutes you read, and finally, your reaction to what you read on that day.

More details about the My Reading Journey section are below.

My Reading Journey

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My Reading Journey is a unique feature of reMARKS, capturing your experience with reading.

First, record how much you’ve read each day (in pages or minutes) by shading the boxes in each row. Shade boxes partway to record amounts in between.

Next, record how you felt about what you’ve read. Use the emoticons at the bottom of the section and fill in the corresponding circle within each row.


Over time, your reading will reveal patterns. How much you’ve read might be directly related to how much you enjoyed yourself.

Connect the dots to complete the experience, and see a more detailed map of how you felt about a book. This is a more nuanced look at your reading experience, and should come in handy when you write your review, or discuss the book with others.